The Wizard of Oz poster
Contrast: The most important things I did to get the viewers eye is color the title, give credit to the original author in the top, all schools info at the bottom, give the performance date and cost of ticket under title along with the image of the characters. Alignment: The way I aligned the poster is title and original author at the top, The time and date of performance and ticket cost under the title next to the picture, and at the bottom the school email and information. Repetition; One repeated concept I did was color some of the text to make it more readable to the viewers eye. and placed the more important info at the top and less important at the bottom. Proximity: For grouping I gave two groups to the important and less important information. for important it was the title, date, time, original author, and cost per ticket. The less important info was the school information, email, producers, music instructors, and the blog.